A Thorough Electrical Inspection: What is Covered

Every Home Inspector with Curtis Home Inspections is diligent in evaluating the property’s electrical system.

Our home inspections always include a thorough electrical inspection as part of the home inspection process. So if you’re wondering “does the home inspector near me take a good look at the electrical system?” rest assured the home inspectors at Curtis Home Inspections does just that!

Our Home inspectors evaluate various aspects of the electrical system in homes during inspections. Specifically, they  typically assess the following:

1. Electrical panels: Inspectors check if the panel is properly installed and grounded, and ensure it has appropriate amperage for the home’s needs.

2. Wiring: They verify that wiring materials meet safety standards, look for any damaged or exposed wiring, and assess proper grounding.

3. Outlets and switches: Inspectors examine outlets to make sure they are properly wired, functioning correctly, and equipped with Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) near water sources. Switches should be operational without signs of damage.

4. Lighting fixtures: They inspect light fixtures to ensure correct installation, working bulbs, proper grounding, and absence of fire hazards such as flammable materials nearby.

5. Smoke detectors: Home inspectors check smoke detectors for proper placement throughout the house, sufficient coverage areas, functionality tests using test buttons or simulated smoke source devices.

6. Overloaded circuits: Evaluations involve checking if there are too many appliances connected to a single circuit breaker which may cause overheating or tripping problems.

7. Outdoor electrical systems: If applicable, inspectors review outdoor lighting systems (e.g., landscape lights), security systems (e.g., cameras), pool/spa electrical components ensuring their safe installation away from water sources while being weather-resistant.

8. Code compliance & safety concerns: Home inspectors ensure that all installations conform to local building codes regarding wire types used in specific locations like attics/basements/garages/utility rooms as well as identifying potential safety issues like exposed live wires or outdated/unsafe equipment/fixtures/wiring methods.

Overall these inspections aim at identifying any potential electrical hazards or code violations that could pose risks to occupants’ health/safety or property integrity within a residential setting.

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